The Secret Garden 2: A New Home (31語)
  • 発音 local
    At first she was taken to the home of the local English minister.
  • 発音 minister
    1. 聖職者(せいしょくしゃ)牧師(ぼくし)、(2. 大臣(だいじん)
    At first she was taken to the home of the local English minister.
  • 発音 quarrel
    He had five children who were always quarreling and snatching toys from each other.
  • 発音 snatch
    He had five children who were always quarreling and snatching toys from each other.
  • 発音 messy
    Mary hated staying at their crowded, messy house.
  • 発音 scornfully
    "You don't know where home is?" Basil said scornfully.
  • 発音 manor
    He lives in a big, old house called Misselthwaite Manor.
  • 発音 hunchback
    He's a hunchback and he's horrid.
  • 発音 horrid
    He's a hunchback and he's horrid.
  • 発音 stuck
    Mary turned her back and stuck her fingers in her ears because she didn't want to hear any more.
  • 発音 deal
    1.(かなりたくさんの)(りょう)、(2. 取引(とりひき)、けい(やく)
    She thought it over a great deal afterward.
  • 発音 afterward
    She thought it over a great deal afterward.
  • 発音 sort
    1. 種類(しゅるい)、(2.(種類(しゅるい)ごとに)分類(ぶんるい)する)
    What sort of place was she going to?
  • 発音 voyage
    Mary made the long voyage to England under the care of an officer's wife.
  • 発音 officer
    1.(軍隊(ぐんたい)の)将校(しょうこう)士官(しかん)、(2. 役人(やくにん)、…(かん)
    Mary made the long voyage to England under the care of an officer 's wife.
  • 発音 boarding school
    Mary made the long voyage to England under the care of an officer's wife who was taking her children to boarding school.
  • 発音 housekeeper
    In London the officer's wife handed Mary over to Mrs. Medlock, the woman who was the housekeeper at Misselthwaite Manor.
  • 発音 my word
    My word!
  • 発音 plain
    1. ふつうの、(へい)ぼんな、(2. 平原(へいげん)平野(へいや)
    She's a plain little thing!
  • 発音 improve
    1. より()くなる、進歩(しんぽ)改善(かいぜん)向上(こうじょう)]される、(2. …をより()くする、進歩(しんぽ)改善(かいぜん)向上(こうじょう)]させる)
    Perhaps she will improve as she grows older.
  • 発音 apart
    The two women thought that Mary could not hear them because she was standing a little apart from them.
  • 発音 catch
    1.(バスや電車(でんしゃ)など()(もの)を)つかまえる、(2. つかまえる)
    The next day they had to catch the train to Yorkshire.
  • 発音 settle
    Once they were settled on the train, Mrs. Medlock said, "Do you know anything about your uncle?"
  • 発音 moor
    It's on the edge of the moor.
  • 発音 crooked
    Mr. Craven has a crooked back.
  • 発音 sweet
    1. やさしい、親切(しんせつ)な、(2. あまい、3. (たの)しい、気持(きも)ちいい)
    His wife was a sweet, pretty thing, and he would have done anything for her.
  • 発音 fairy tale
    She remembered a fairy tale about a poor hunchback and a beautiful princess.
  • 発音 feel sorry for
    Suddenly she felt sorry for Mr. Craven.
  • 発音 shut oneself up
    He shuts himself up in the west wing.
  • 発音 wing
    1. 《建築(けんちく)(よく)、ウイング(建物(たてもの)中心部(ちゅうしんぶ)から側面(そくめん)にのびた部分(ぶぶん))、(2.((とり)などの)(はね)(つばさ)
    He shuts himself up in the west wing.
  • 発音 indeed
    Mary was going to a strange place indeed.
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