Grandpa's World History 1: A Civilization Is Born (55語)
  • 発音 civilization
    Mesopotamia was the name of a region in the Middle East, where human civilization arose thousands of years ago.
  • 発音 study
    1. (しょ)さい、(2. 勉強(べんきょう)する、3. よく()る、観察(かんさつ)する)
    "Grandpa?" Laurie called, knocking on the study door.
  • 発音 archaeologist
    He was an archaeologist and worked very hard.
  • 発音 research
    1. 研究(けんきゅう)する、調査(ちょうさ)する、(2. 研究(けんきゅう)調査(ちょうさ)
    He wasn't out traveling and researching.
  • 発音 trace
    1.((せん)(りん)かくなどを)()(うつ)す、なぞる、(2. あと、こんせき)
    I'm tracing an ancient map of Mesopotamia.
  • 発音 wavy
    Laurie saw a piece of tracing paper covered in wavy lines.
  • 発音 squiggly
    What are those two squiggly lines?
  • 発音 region
    Mesopotamia was the name of a region in the Middle East.
  • 発音 Middle East
    Mesopotamia was the name of a region in the Middle East, where human civilization arose thousands of years ago.
  • 発音 arise
    Mesopotamia was the name of a region in the Middle East, where human civilization arose thousands of years ago.
  • 発音 reed
    Humans in that area had mud and reeds to build houses.
  • 発音 cradle
    1. (はつ)しょう()、(2. ゆりかご)
    They were the most powerful people there—in what became known as the cradle of civilization.
  • 発音 sophisticated
    1. 洗練(せんれん)された、(2. 高性能(こうせいのう)の、(せい)こうな)
    They were very sophisticated and we owe a lot to their inventions.
  • 発音 choppy
    Their writing looks choppy because it was pressed into clay tablets using thin tools made from reeds.
  • 発音 tablet
    Their writing looks choppy because it was pressed into clay tablets using thin tools made from reeds.
  • 発音 mathematician
    The Sumerians were clever mathematicians who tried to use numbers to organize the world around them.
  • 発音 keen
    They were especially keen on dividing time.
  • 発音 divide
    1. ()ける、()かれる、(2. ()()う)
    They were especially keen on dividing time.
  • 発音 base on
    Our calendar is based on their math!
  • 発音 lay down
    She lays down the laws around here!
  • 発音 shudder
    1.((さむ)さ・きょうふなどで)ふるえる、(いやで)ぞっとする、(2. ()ぶるい、ぞっとする(かん)じ)
    "Wasn’t he the scary king?" Laurie shuddered.
  • 発音 order
    1.(社会(しゃかい)の)ちつ(じょ)治安(ちあん)、(2. 命令(めいれい)、3. …を注文(ちゅうもん)する)
    Hammurabi's laws kept society in order at a time when there was lots of fighting between tribes.
  • 発音 expect
    People were expected to take responsibility for their work and actions.
  • 発音 put to death
    If a house collapsed and killed the people inside, the builder was put to death.
  • 発音 unfortunately
    Unfortunately punishment wasn't always as clear-cut as it sounds.
  • 発音 clear-cut
    Unfortunately punishment wasn't always as clear-cut as it sounds.
  • 発音 escape
    1. だっ(しゅつ)する、にげる、(2. だっ(しゅつ)、とう(ぼう)
    You were often able to escape a harsh sentence by paying a large fine.
  • 発音 harsh
    You were often able to escape a harsh sentence by paying a large fine.
  • 発音 sentence
    1. 判決(はんけつ)、けいばつ、(2. (ぶん)文章(ぶんしょう)
    You were often able to escape a harsh sentence by paying a large fine.
  • 発音 fine
    1. ばっ(きん)、(2. …にばっ(きん)()する、3. いい、だいじょうぶな)
    You were often able to escape a harsh sentence by paying a large fine.
  • 発音 structure
    1. 建物(たてもの)建造物(けんぞうぶつ)、(2. 構造(こうぞう)骨組(ほねぐ)み)
    Those huge structures are called ziggurats.
  • 発音 ziggurat
    Those huge structures are called ziggurats.
  • 発音 steep
    The steep sides were stepped and covered with beautiful gardens.
  • 発音 step
    1. …に階段(かいだん)をつける、(2.((あし)を)ふみ()す、(すす)む、3. 段階(だんかい)手順(てじゅん)
    The steep sides were stepped and covered with beautiful gardens.
  • 発音 shrine
    At the top was a shrine.
  • 発音 recall
    You recall the Tower of Babel from the Bible, don't you?
  • 発音 heaven
    1.(heavens)まぁ大変(たいへん)!とんでもない!、(2. 天国(てんごく)
    In that story people tried to build a tower that would reach the heavens, but they failed in the end.
  • 発音 basis
    Some believe the ziggurat in Ur is the basis of the biblical legend.
  • 発音 biblical
    Some believe the ziggurat in Ur is the basis of the biblical legend.
  • 発音 present-day
    The city of Ur is in present-day Iraq.
  • 発音 ruin
    1.(ruins)(建物(たてもの)の)はいきょ、()せき、(2. ()めつ、ほうかい、3. 台無(だいな)しにする、めちゃめちゃにする)
    Archaeologists discovered the ruins of Ur in the 1800s.
  • 発音 evidence
    They found evidence of a great flood that had likely wiped out most of the city.
  • 発音 likely
    They found evidence of a great flood that had likely wiped out most of the city.
  • 発音 wipe out
    They found evidence of a great flood that had likely wiped out most of the city.
  • 発音 led
    (みち)などが ()しょに)(つう)じた、つながった(lead-led)
    You know, the one that led to Noah building his ark.
  • 発音 ark
    1. 箱舟(はこぶね)(ノアが大洪水(だいこうずい)から避難(ひなん)するために(つく)った(ふね))、(2.契約(けいやく)(はこ)(モーゼの十戒(じっかい)(きざ)んだ石版(せきばん)(おさ)めた(はこ)))
    You know, the one that led to Noah building his ark.
  • 発音 excavation
    I have something to show you from the excavation at Ur.
  • 発音 cemetery
    A British archaeologist found the temples and cemetery there in the 1920s and '30s.
  • 発音 tomb
    The tomb of Lady Puabi, for example, was full of beautiful things.
  • 発音 headdress
    Lady Puabi's real headdress is in a museum, but I have a replica.
  • 発音 replica
    Lady Puabi's real headdress is in a museum, but I have a replica.
  • 発音 dangle
    Grandpa placed a delicate headdress decorated with dangling golden leaves on Laurie's head.
  • 発音 turn on one's heel(s)
    She turned on her heel and strode out the door, her headdress jingling.
  • 発音 strode
    She turned on her heel and strode out the door, her headdress jingling.
  • 発音 jingle
    She turned on her heel and strode out the door, her headdress jingling.
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