1. The Grand Canyon (共44个)
  • 发音 social studies
    My students and I just started an exciting new social studies unit.
  • 发音 unit
    1. (教材的)单元,(2. (小)装置,器具,3. 构成单位)
    My students and I just started an exciting new Social Studies unit.
  • 发音 landmark
    Like a lot of Earth's beautiful natural landmarks, it is also in danger.
  • 发音 canyon
    We studied the Grand Canyon, a huge canyon in the United States.
  • 发音 relax
    Sit back and relax.
  • 发音 groove
    This river made grooves in the sheets of rock that grew deeper and wider.
  • 发音 sheet
    1. (金属、玻璃等的)薄板,薄片,(2. 床单,薄片)
    This river made grooves in the sheets of rock that grew deeper and wider.
  • 发音 billion
    Some rocks in the canyon are about 2.5 billion years old.
  • 发音 fossil
    You can also find other cool fossils, like ones of sponges, fish teeth, and animal footprints.
  • 发音 sponge
    1. 海绵(动物名),(2. 海绵)
    You can also find other cool fossils, like ones of sponges, fish teeth, and animal footprints.
  • 发音 twig
    Scientists found small twig figures shaped like deer and other animals.
  • 发音 figure
    1. (人的)体态,身影,(2. 认为,以为)
    Scientists found small twig figures shaped like deer and other animals.
  • 发音 Native American
    Native Americans have been living in the Grand Canyon region for a very long time.
  • 发音 geologist
    An American geologist named John Wesley Powell decided to lead the first official river expedition through the canyon.
  • 发音 official
    1. 官方的,法定的,(2. 行政人员,高级职员 )
    John Wesley Powell decided to lead the first official river expedition through the canyon.
  • 发音 expedition
    1. 远征队,探险队,(2. 远征,探险旅行)
    John Wesley Powell decided to lead the first official river expedition through the canyon.
  • 发音 hardship
    Powell and his men faced many hardships, especially treacherous currents and harsh weather.
  • 发音 treacherous
    Powell and his men faced many hardships, especially treacherous currents and harsh weather.
  • 发音 current
    1. 水流,气流,(2. 现在的,当前的)
    Powell and his men faced many hardships, especially treacherous currents and harsh weather.
  • 发音 national park
    Government turned the Grand Canyon into a national park to protect the canyon's wildlife and landscape.
  • 发音 wildlife
    Government turned the Grand Canyon into a national park to protect the canyon's wildlife and landscape.
  • 发音 landscape
    Government turned the Grand Canyon into a national park to protect the canyon's wildlife and landscape.
  • 发音 wear out
    If just the thought of walking that far wears you out, you can see the canyon in other ways.
  • 发音 sunscreen
    Be sure to take plenty of water, sunscreen, and a map.
  • 发音 drastically
    1. 剧烈地,厉害地,(2. 彻底地,果敢地)
    The canyon is so deep that the weather changes drastically as you descend.
  • 发音 rim
    He was hiking along through some snow near the rim.
  • 发音 bighorn
    We saw photos of bighorn sheep standing on rocky cliffs.
  • 发音 chomp
    We saw photos of bighorn beavers chomping on trees.
  • 发音 soar
    1. 高飞,往上飞舞,(2. (高楼、山等)高高耸立)
    We saw photos of eagles soaring in the sky.
  • 发音 coyote
    Mr. Fay also showed us pictures of scary animals, like coyotes and mountain lions.
  • 发音 mountain lion
    Mr. Fay also showed us pictures of scary animals, like coyotes and mountain lions.
  • 发音 campsite
    Coyotes will come right into your campsite looking for food.
  • 发音 rattlesnake
    Some other scary animals in the canyon are rattlesnakes and scorpions.
  • 发音 scorpion
    Some other scary animals in the canyon are rattlesnakes and scorpions.
  • 发音 creep
    1. 毛骨悚然的感觉,(2. 蹑手蹑脚地走,缓慢地行进)
    They give me the creeps!
  • 发音 condor
    The California condor is the largest flying bird in North America.
  • 发音 endangered
    I found out that condors are endangered.
  • 发音 conservationist
    Thanks to the work of conservationists, California condors are returning to the Grand Canyon.
  • 发音 gigantic
    When condors fly, their gigantic, flapping wings make the sound of thunder!
  • 发音 pollution
    Because of pollution and tourism, the land is being worn down.
  • 发音 tourism
    Because of pollution and tourism, the land is being worn down.
  • 发音 habitat
    1. (动物的)栖息地,(植物的)产地,(2. 居住地,所在地)
    Animal habitats are being destroyed.
  • 发音 mural
    Our class made a big mural of the Grand Canyon.
  • 发音 planet
    1. (讨论有关环境的话题时)地球,(2. 行星(围着太阳转的星星))
    The layers of the canyon's ancient walls hold the story of life on our planet.
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